Assistant Professor,
EMail Id:
[email protected]
Ragging is totally prohibited in Pankaj Laddhad Institute of Technology & Management Studies, inside and / or outside the campus and anyone found guilty of ragging and / or abetting ragging whether actively or passively, or being a part of conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with UGC Regulations 2009 as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force.
PLITMS ensures that the congenial and welcoming environment is given to the fresher’s. To achieve this objective following committees have been formed by the Institute as per UGC Regulation 2009:
- Anti Ragging Cell
- Anti Ragging Squad
Functions of Anti Ragging Cell
- Establish, fund and operate a toll free anti ragging helpline which could be accessed by students in distress.
- Any distress message received at the Anti-Ragging helpline or complaint shall be simultaneously relayed to the head of the Institution, Warden of hostel.
- The head of institution shall be obliged to act immediately in response to the complaint.
- The telephone numbers of the Anti-Ragging helpline and all the important functionaries in the Institute, Head of the Institute, Faculty members, Members of the Anti-Ragging cell and Anti Ragging Squad, Warden of hostel and other authorities were relevant shall be widely disseminated for access or to seek help in emergencies.
- The committee should maintain appropriate data base to be created out of affidavits affirmed by students and parents and stored electronically by the institution and such database shall also function as a record of ragging complaints received and the status of the action taken thereon.
- The committee shall make available the database to a non-government agency to build confidence in the public
Functions of Anti Ragging Squads
- To ensure compliance with the provision of UGC regulation 2009 at the institute level.
- To monitor and oversee the performance of anti ragging squad in prevention of ragging in the institution.
- To make surprise raids on hostels and other places vulnerable to incidents of and having the potential of ragging.
- To conduct on the spot enquiry in to any incident of ragging.