B.E.,M.E.Assistant Professor,
EMail Id:[email protected]
The Enrollments & Student Welfare Cell shall be responsible for all the affairs related with the students like Students Council, Student’s Magazine, Students I–Card Students Anti-Ragging Cell and Students enrollments, Student discipline & code of conduct, Student Counseling & orientation, Student Research Wing, Student Fresher. The responsibilities and functions shall include (but not limited to) the followings.
1. To device and implement a mechanism for finalizing the students roll list from first year engineering to final year engineering.
2. To device and implement a mechanism for the proper formation of Students Council and scheduling the meetings/activities etc.
3. To device and implement a mechanism for publishing students annual magazine.
4. To device and implement the mechanism for the redressal of students grievances including ragging/women harassment.
5. To work out and execute any other activity related with the students not covered under other cells but amenable to the student’s interest. The ultimate objective shall be to provide a student-friendly safe and secure environment.
The Enrollments & Students Welfare Cell Coordinator shall work in coordination with other Cell Coordinators and HODs.