Assistant Professor,
EMail Id:
[email protected]
The Extracurricular & Enrichment Cell shall be responsible for all the activities related with cultural and social events within and outside campus concerned with the college. The coordinator of the Extracurricular & Enrichment Cell shall organize, coordinate and execute all the related activities both within as well as outdoor of the college. The responsibilities and functions shall include (but not limited to) the followings.
- To devise and implement a mechanism for extracurricular activities including students training, preparation, procurement of musical instruments, costume material and scheduling of the events.
- To device and implement a mechanism for publicizing and motivating the students for participation in extracurricular activities and organize interdepartmental events.
- To coordinate with the university extracurricular division and arrange for the participation of students at university youth festivals.
- To devise and implement a mechanism for Liaisoning with the government agencies for Grants for extracurricular events and enrichment activities etc.
- To work out and execute any other activity related with the extracurricular enrichment programme. The ultimate objective shall be to provide an environment that enhances the student’s personality.